Chinese Lo Shu Square
in Classical Feng Shui
The origins are in astronomy and numerology. It’s an ancient map of the stars and a numerical diagram of the Bagua grid used in Classical Feng Shui. The Lo Shu square is divided into 9 smaller squares; 3 on the top, 3 in the middle and 3 on the bottom. This grid can be seen in the I Ching ‘The Book of Changes’. The numbers in the Lo Shu square add up to a total of 15, in any direction; horizontal, vertical and diagonal. This is also the number of days in a lunar cycle.
Each of the numbers represents; a cardinal sector, a trigram, element, family member within the house, a colour, a season, a time of day, an organ and other associations. These numbers are used in a Compass School Feng Shui analysis of your property. Each sector can be analysed and suggestions made to support and enhance their position.
Click here to find out the trigram associations.
Click here to find out the element associations; fire, earth, metal, water, wood.
Yearly Lo Shu
There are visiting Lo Shu numbers for each position in your home for the current year. These add another layer for analysis. The Lo Shu numbers move in sequence at the start of the new year, they fly around the square, each number moving on one position. The start of this depends on whether you look use the winter solstice around the 21st December, the lunar calendar around the 10th February or the Chinese calendar which is solar/lunar combined around the 4th February.