Five Elements Cycle
In the five element theory, each element is connected to the other four elements through a different relationship. Each relationship helps create balance in the five element chart. Too much of one element can be as unfavourable as too little. When there is natural balance in the cycles, all of the elements are working together in harmony.
The Wood element creates life, it is dawn and spring, known as rising chi. The Fire element is unreliable, it is the top of the universe, the height of summer with chi rising and dispersing. Fire dies down and settles into the ground, becoming the Earth element. Ground then compounds inwardly to create the metal element in autumn time. The water element melts and disperses into the ground becoming winter. To once again support new life with water nourishing the seeds of plant life to begin the cycle again.
Yin Yang quantities can also influence each element. In the controlling element cycle; a little fire bends metal, yet a lot of fire melts metal. A little water is good for fire, yet a lot of water is bad for fire. A little metal trims trees and bushes, yet a lot of metal cuts down and fells too many trees.
Click on the element images below to read more about each of the five elements attributes.

The Constructive Cycle
(Productive / Generating / Creative / Nourishing / Supportive)
Fire produces Earth
Earth produces Metal
Metal produces Water
Water produces Wood
Wood produces Fire
Water is needed to nourish Wood, it feeds the wood to grow strong. Without Water, Wood could not flourish. Wood is needed to build and feed a Fire. Without Wood, Fire cannot burn forever.

The Draining Cycle
(Exhausting / Weakening)
Fire drains Wood
Earth drains Fire
Metal drains Earth
Water drains Metal
Wood drains Water
Wood uses Water to feed it, to make it stronger and healthier. This drains resources from Water, weakening it. Water can become too weak, and could no longer support Wood. Fire burns Wood, it consumes Wood with heat until nothing is left but ash (Earth).

The Controlling Cycle
(Deconstructive / Regulating / Husbands / Destroys / Clashes to)
Fire controls Metal
Earth controls Water
Metal controls Wood
Water controls Fire
Wood controls Earth
Water puts out Fire. If the Water Element is too powerful, it has the ability to overpower and destroy Fire. With just the right amount of Water, you can control Fire. Too little Water and Fire rages out of control.

The Insulting Cycle
(Clashing from)
Fire insults Water
Earth insults Wood
Metal insults Fire
Water insults Earth
Wood insults Metal
The controlling cycle and the insulting cycle do not happen simultaneously. A weak Element can be affected by the Element it controls.

The Element Interactions
The concept of the five elements is to bring everything back into balance, each coexisting without dominance. You can determine which of the five elements could be utilised to help strengthen, weaken, control or regulate one of the elements. An example would be if the water element was deficient, then the metal element would be used to support and the water element would be used to strengthen. If the water element was too strong, then the wood element would be used to drain, or the fire element would be used to regulate. The following graphics detail each element and the four interactions between them.