Entrance and Front Door
Classical Feng Shui
Entrances and Hallways
The entrance is seen as one of the most important rooms in Feng Shui, as it sets the tone for when you arrive home after work and open the door, as well as when you leave home to go to work. The doorway is seen as the mouth of the home, meaning it should be kept free of obstacles and with as much natural light as possible. Ensure the front door can open freely without any obstructions behind it. Entrances and hallways are quite yin environments, as they are passageways and not lived in frequently.
In Victorian times in the West, the entrance hallway often contained the most grand pieces of furniture, decor and ornaments as a display of wealth. Without all of the grandeur, the thoughts here are similar to that of a hotel lobby and reception. Perceived value.
Front Doors
Main front doors should open inwards rather than outwards. Opening a door outwards to walk into the home is awkward. Most doors are suited to people who are right-handed. Meaning that the hinge is on the right-hand side, so that you can grab the handle and swing the door back with your right arm, as you step through the doorway. This caters for 75% of people, but a left-handed door swing may suit you better.
Standing in the front door look into the home, is there anything obstructing your view? Can you see the hallway clearly without any awkward corners or shapes?
Front and back doors in the same alignment (this also applies to doors within a building). It is inadvisable to have a front door in a position where you can see straight through to the back door. This causes a vacuum when both doors are open, with air being sucked in and out. Usually these types of homes have draught problems as there aren’t any obstructions between the doors to slow down air currents. The front letter box can be a big factor in level of draughts, so check yours to see if it needs an upgrade to a more air tight version. In Feng Shui this is seen as Chi coming in the front door and leaving straight through the back door, without circulating in the home.

It is unfavourable form within the property, when you stand in the front door looking into the home towards:
- A WC door
- The back door
- A door to another room
- The front door opening directly onto stairs
- A pillar or column in the hallway
- A corner of an interior wall
- A long corridor
- A wall straight ahead in close proximity of the front door
The same applies to the exterior, stand in the door and look outward. What can you see? Ideally the immediate area outside the front door should be open and without obstruction.
It is unfavourable form in the landscape, when you stand in the front door looking out of the door towards:
- An alleyway or road directly opposite (coming towards the home, like a T-junction)
- Overgrown trees and garden obstructing the view
- A lamp post directly in front of the home
- A close wall of the neighbouring premises (if your door is on the side of the property)
- A gap between two houses
- A pillar or column in the porch
- A gate in close proximity to the front door
- The corner of a building or sharp roof edge pointing towards the front door
A professional Feng Shui survey looks a little deeper at this area, using Compass School methods the exact degree is measured for anything unfavourable coming towards the front door in the exterior. Known as the 24 Imperial Mountains, this adds another layer of analysis and will confirm the associations with the Mountain where the unfavourable item is coming from. They fall into three categories; favourable, neutral and unfavourable.