Online Feng Shui Consultation
Feng Shui is used as a tool to analyse the surrounding natural and built environment. With an understanding of the urban landscape, interior space and time, you can make the most of your home. A Feng Shui survey assesses an individual plot and property looking at strengths and weaknesses using different methods and formulas. Practical recommendations can then be made to strengthen and support the home, aiming to create potential. As a professional Feng Shui consultant, I provide online survey services that are available globally. Read more about the services I provide here.
The Classical Feng Shui Methods I Use
Form School
- Exterior Form (Mountain, Tiger, Dragon, Phoenix)
- Interior Form
- Building Shape (Late Heaven Trigrams)
- Plot Shape (Early Heaven Trigrams)
- The Five Element Theory the landscape, property and plot.
Compass School
- 8 Mansions House Kua
- Palace to the Front Door
- Front Door Element
- Natal Flying Stars
- Annual Visiting Stars
- Annual Afflictions
- The Five Element Theory, interior layout, element cycle analysis and colour schemes.
My Online Services
Your Online Feng Shui Analysis
I aim to make my remote Classical Feng Shui services as transparent as possible, so you can make an informed decision. The most important part of the Feng Shui process is the client, they are responsible for where potential leads to. In ancient China, our lives are affected by three influences; Heaven, Earth and Man, which have equal bearing on life. Our lives are divided into thirds, of which two are within are control, and one third is not. The table below shows that Classical Feng Shui is part of the Earth, our environment and surroundings, and that accounts for one third of our life. Thus, the findings of a Feng Shui survey accounts for one third of life.
The Cosmic Trinity | ||
Heaven | Earth | Man |
Destiny, fate, life path, the future | Environment, surroundings | Our actions, choices, beliefs, behaviour |
Out of our control | Within our control (Feng Shui) | Within our control |