The Armchair Formation
Classical Feng Shui
The Landscape
Exterior Form School analyses what lies outside the property and plot, whether the natural or built environment. The surrounding environment is broken down into four sides, which are observed to determine strengths and weaknesses. The landscape and forms outside of the plot are permanent and cannot be changed. Within the plot of properties that you own, there are ways to help strengthen any weak areas to recreate the armchair formation.
In general, each property should be surrounded by an armchair-like formation, with low hills on either side of the property that represent the chair arms. With mountain support at the rear that represents the high back of a chair. To the front of the property, a clear and open area that gently slopes down hill towards the road. This formation is based on the climate in the Northern Hemisphere, where the cold weather comes from the north, and the warm weather from the south. The landscape configuration helps to protect a property from the climate, winds and rain, by closing in three sides of the property. In the Southern hemisphere this can be reversed.
- The form and grounds at the rear of the plot.
- The area behind the plot.
- The rear urban and natural landscape.
The Mountain represents support and protection. In Chinese thinking it is easier for something to come from behind, or come as a surprise if there isn’t adequate Mountain support.
- With your back to the mountain, the phoenix is the opposite, the front aspect.
- The Phoenix must be open with a pleasant view, ideally with low lying land form.
- The form and grounds at the front of the plot.
- The area in front of the plot.
- The front urban and natural landscape.
The Phoenix represents outlook, vision and the future. In the Northern hemisphere, this would ideally be located in the southern sector.

- The left hand side as you look towards the front of a property.
- The right hand side as you look out from the front of the property.
- This includes form and grounds within the plot on the tiger side.
- The surrounding urban and natural landscape on the tiger side.
The Tiger is associated with female members of the family, yin, the feminine, the right side of the brain, gentleness, nurturing, creativity, intuition and artistic nature. This side should be kept clean, tidy and attractive within the plot. The Tiger side is traditionally lower in form than the Dragon side.
- The right hand side as you look towards the front of a property.
- The left hand side as you look out from the front of the property.
- This includes form and grounds within the plot on the dragon side.
- The surrounding urban and natural landscape on the dragon side.
The Dragon is associated with male members of the family, yang, the masculine, the left side of the brain, organisation, structure, logic and finance. The Dragon side is traditionally higher in form than the Tiger side.
The Natural Landscape
The physical earth landscape from mountains, hills to cliffs and coasts. Including trees, shrubs, hedges, lawn and flowers and any bodies of water from rivers, to the sea and lakes.
The Urban Landscape
The architectural built environment; paths, roads, motorways, houses, offices, high rises, shops, car parks, fences, walls, sheds etc. These man-made structures represent natural form in the modern world. Roads and motorways can be seen as rivers, and houses as hills and mountains.