How to Take a Compass Reading
Classical Feng Shui
There is no need to buy a Feng Shui Compass, known as a Lo Pan. An ordinary camping compass will be fine. You need a compass that will give a specific degree e.g. with a red pointer towards North. Bear in mind that pipe work, metal jewellery, metal belts, electric cables, metal doors, metal walls etc. may distort the compass reading. Find out how to draw a floor plan here.
House (outside the property)
Step 1 – The facing direction of the property usually looks out towards the road with the most windows, a front entrance, hallway and a front garden. The facing direction is the architectural front, the most ornate and open side of the building. The site mountain of the property is usually the rear with the bathroom and bedrooms on this side.
Step 2 - Go around the outside to the back of the house and find the middle of the property along the wall. You can measure in steps to find the middle or with a tape measure for accuracy. Stand facing the wall with the compass in your hand.
Step 3 - Align the compass needle with North/South. Create a taught piece of cotton draped over the compass from your body towards the wall (at 90 degrees to the wall edge). Look at the number of the degree on the compass that sits in line with the cotton nearest to your body. Note this down. This is known as the site position or site mountain of your property. Take a minimum of 3 readings from the same position.
Step 3 - Look at the number of the degree on the Feng Shui compass template that sits in line with the cotton furthest away from your body. Note this down. This is known as the facing position or the facing mountain of your property. Take a minimum of 3 readings from the same position.

Red Arrow = facing direction
Black Box = your compass against the wall
Red T Shape = site direction
Flat above Ground Floor (inside the property)
Step 1 – The facing direction of the property usually looks out from the front of the property towards the road and is the side with the main run of windows on. This is the architectural front, the most ornate side of the building. The site mountain of the property is usually the rear with the bathroom and bedrooms on this side.
Step 2 - Go to the rear of the apartment and find the middle of the back wall, measuring from the exterior building shape. Stand facing the wall with the compass in your hand.
Step 3 - Align the compass needle with North/South on the compass. Drape a taught piece of cotton over the compass from your body towards the wall (at 90 degrees to the wall edge). Look at the number of the degree on the compass that sits in line with the cotton furthest away from your body and facing the exterior wall. Note this down. This is the site mountain.
Step 3 - Look at the number of the degree on the compass that sits in line with the cotton nearest to your body, facing in towards you. Note this down. This is known as the facing mountain. Take a minimum of 3 readings from the same position.

Red Arrow = facing direction
Black Box = your compass against the wall
Red T Shape = site direction