6 Yang Metal House 2024
I Ching Personal Astrology
Find out the annual influence in your Lo Shu astrology chart for 2024. Each of the 9 principal stars move around the base Lo Shu square every year. You can calculate what your principal star is using your date of birth from this page. Each year holds a specific essence that influences the principal star for that time period. Knowing which house you are in for the year helps you understand what to expect, what the overall influence is and where to find potential. This is not astrology similar to Western astrology where predictions are made. Instead each year holds different associations, so that you can work with the yearly influence rather than against it. The largest influence on your principal star is the year house that star occupies for the year. You can also calculate month per month for emotions and health, and day by day for the essence of the day.

3 Yang Wood Lo Shu Year
4 Yin Wood Principal Star – is in the – 6 Yang Metal House
- The house of potential.
- Autumn.
- You prosper in this house from what you have planted previously.
- A time to harvest.
- A time to travel.
- Can be prosperous financially, for career and promotion.
- The hous where you wear the trousers and take on the role of the boss.
- You may feel full of confidence, focused and clear headed.
- Take care as things can come back from the past whether positive or negative.
- Avoid loaning money.
- Be careful not to upset other people as you may come across critical and full of yourself.
- You may feel like you are being taken more seriously or recognised for your efforts.
- Consider taking planned time out for rest and recovery.
- Avoid over tiring yourself.
- Stay flexible as metal can be too rigid and inflexible.
Health Weakness
- Lungs, colds, coughs, respiration, bones/joints.
Five Element Interactions in 2024
4 Yin Wood Principal Star – is in the – 6 Yang Metal House
- The 4 yin wood principal number is in an insulting cycle with the 6 yang metal house.
- This means the negative influences can be heightened for the year from the clash.
- The 6 yang metal house is in a controlling cycle with the 4 yin wood principal number.
- This means the positive influences may be compressed during the year.
- Metal controls wood. If the metal element is too powerful, it has the ability to overpower and cut down wood. With just the right amount of metal, you can control wood. Too little metal and wood can grow too quickly and become an thick forest. It is all about balance.
- The controlling cycle and the insulting cycle do not happen simultaneously. A weak element can be affected by the element it controls.